Friday, March 20, 2015


v  Read the question carefully 5 times in order to understand and categorize the question.
v  There are 3 types of writing style according to nature of question.
·         Problem Solution Essay (Don’t give any opinion here)
·         Argument Led Essay (Advantage/Disadvantage Essay) (Give opinion)
·         Opinion led Essay (Massive part is opinion)
Problem Solution Essay

1.       Introduction:
·         Rephrase the title
·         Extend
·         Mention context

2.       Problems:
·         Topic sentense
·         Examples
·         Personal Examples
·         Context (detail)
3.       Solutions:
·         Topic sentence
·         Examples
·         Personal experience
·         Context (detail)
4.       Conclusion:
·         Summarize
·         Concession (admit there are two sides, eg when there is a problem, there is a solution)
·         Do not give opinion in this type of essay

Argument Led (Advantage and Disadvantage)
1.       Introduction:
·         Rephrase the title
·         Extend
·         Mention context (current affairs, situations, politics, environment)
2.       Advantages:
·         Topic sentence
·         Personal experience, examples
·         Examples
·         Context
3.       Disadvantage:
·         Topic sentence
·         Personal examples
·         Examples
·         Context
4.       Conclusion:
·         Summarize
·         Concession (admit there are two sides)
·         Give opinions    

Opinion Led Essay
There are three ways to write opinion led essays:
·         Argument led (advantage and disadvantage)( we can use this format in some of opinion led essay question but this don’t fit in all questions)
·         Pure agreement or pure disagreement (100 % agree or 100 % disagree)
·         Partial agreement. (best fits for ethical questions)
How to answer ethical questions?
Best way to answer ethical questions is to adopt partial agreement essay format
Here’s how!
1.       Introduction:
·         Rephrase
·         Extend
·         Mention context
2.       Agreement (partially agree here)
·         Acknowledge the question, examples, personal experience, and context.
3.       Alternatives (hesitations/reservations)
·         Acknowledge the questions, examples, personal experience, and context.
4.       Conclusion:
·         Summarize
·         Concession (explain again about the alternatives)
·         Give opinions.
Key skills are…
Explore the question
Write good topic sentence
Include examples
Give personal examples and context.

Here is a sample essay to understand what are topic sentence, context and concession and other things to boost up an essay.

Question: Modern communication mean that it is no longer necessary to write a letters.
                To what extend do you agree / disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

Now, what format should I choose to tackle this type of question?
Argument led (which is more of advantages and disadvantages, we can discuss advantage/disadvantage of modern technology here, but we won’t be able to make a point here or justify our essay); Problem solution? (clearly we cannot discuss problems and solutions here in this question).
So this is opinion led type. Still there are 3 approaches to answer this in opinion led question. 
Argument led does not fit in. pure agreement or pure disagreement needs hell lots of points supporting your views and may sounds monotonous. So opinion led partial agreement best fits in here.
*Notice the highlighted words in the question, we will discuss this later.
Many people argue that writing a letter is no longer necessary with the massive development in communication. The introductions of internet and mobile phones have revolutionized the way we used to communicate because these technologies have brought us luxuries of ease and quickness. Therefore these modern tools have been used extensively in major cities like Kathmandu, Pokhara, Biratnagar, Dharan and so on. However I still believe there are some circumstances where writing a letter has no alternatives.

(The opening sentence is the rephrase of the title question.
The 2nd sentence is the extension of the topic sentence.
The linking word “therefore” is linker word that links 1st and 2nd sentence to the context (the 3rd sentence)
“However” is a linker word that links a contradictory sentence with previous lines. And the last sentence describes that you are partially agreeing with the question statement.
In academic writhing etc is not good word to use so use “so on” instead of it.)
Modern communication has decreased the need to write the letters, as to why writing a letter could be an unnecessary burden for a modern man because e-mails are prompt and is more convenient way. Some software actually allows us to dictate and words are typed by computer itself. Furthermore internet, telephones and mobile phones allow us to contact with a person living far from us. This has helped small and multinational business, individuals or an organization. For instance, a CEO (chief executive officer) at corporate office located in Kathmandu can phone a branch manager located at Pokhara to e-mail him report on performance appraisal of his staff working at Pokhara. This process can happen within a minute, provided report is ready. On the other hand, if CEO still needs to post a letter, this process would have taken ages.

The first sentence is a topic sentence in the body of essay; this opens the topic under discussion (i.e. writing a letter is unnecessary).
2nd line is example. Furthermore is a linking word linking similar (justifying why it is unnecessary) example in 3rd line.
Remaining sentences are the context applying to individual and business and a huge detailed (context) example of the point is corporate context justifying the initial point.
The word “for instance” links the example and context in this case.
So this body has it all. i.e topic sentence, example, experience (in one way) and the context. Topic sentence acknowledges the question.


[body 2: alternatives, hesitations, reservations: in this case the word alternatives doesn’t not work, in some other case alternatives works, her it is hesitations or reservations.]

This opening sentence shows hesitations   in some circumstances and is a sentence that acknowledges the question.
2nd line is a personal experiences and an opinion.
“In addition to this” gives more points against previous body.
A website name gives more detail (also example) and this makes out context. The last line is another context in Nepal.
In contrast, there are some circumstances where writing a letters has no alternatives. I personally believe written words have human touch, which makes us feel cared and special. That is why I would always live to receive a written letter from my loved ones. In addition to this, written letter is must in legal and job purposes. Even though, some job hunting sites accepts e-mail as an application, such as, there are many companies where written letter is a must. In Nepal, government agencies and corporations do not accept an e-mail for any purpose, which is why I believe posting a letter would not disappear in the future.  

Though modern communication is more convenient, reliable, and fast, writing a letter is mandatory in legal circumstances. Research also shows that written words has personal touch and many marketing strategy developer use written words and letters as marketing tools. Therefore I partially agree with the statement that states “writing a letter is no longer necessary”.

1st line summarizes 1st and 2nd body and that you are aware of both sides (summary and concession). And last line clears your opinion.

1st line summarizes 1st and 2nd body and that you are aware of both sides (summary and concession). And last line clears your opinion.

1st line summarizes 1st and 2nd body and that you are aware of both sides (summary and concession). And last line clears your opinion.

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